There were a few audio issues with this episode. Please bear with us through the pops, scratches and bangs.
The boys start off with a discussion of the ins and outs of leaving cameras in your car during hot weather (00:00) and Nick explains why he wants a camera like a bar of soap (13:00).
They continue the discussion of the travel camera they started in the last episode (14:40).
Graham can’t remember the name of the Olympus Trip 35 and felt like a fool for forgetting (23:50). He then redeems himself with a reconfiguring of the body of a travel 35mm camera on the model of the film cartridge backs of medium format cameras (28:20).
Graham talks about Graham (another one, better known as Chickenthumbs on Instagram) 41:45.
Graham blathers on and on about his Flex-O-Pan at 58:00 so you’ll probably want to skip head to the good stuff, like the next episode of Photography Matters with Ted Viera.
The talk turns to a Kickstarter campaign to create a digital sensor that drops into a standard 35mm camera and how that could be the source of sensors for digital camera builds ( (1:29:00).
Nick sends a shout out to Ralph Lundval (1:53:20) and the images he posted using an enlarger lens and a Speed Graphic.