E50 Nicole Small

For this episode, we welcome Nicole Small to discuss her homemade cameras, her love of pinhole photography and how she found herself as a (self) portrait artist. 

You can find her work in these locations and follow along with the discussions:




She mentions friend Mark Boucier and how he got her into photography.

The use of micro drill bits vs. pins for drilling pinholes. Here’s a link to some:  (https://smile.amazon.com/XLX-Circuit-Carbide-Tungsten-Jobber/dp/B01LWP84P7/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=micro+drill+bit+set+.10&qid=1588605831&sr=8-2)

Nicole works quite a bit with Cyanotype and the variant Cyanotype Rex developed by Terry King:



Also, direct positive cyanotypes:



Direct positive black and white processing links:

Color Direct Positive Filter Set:


Nicole talks about one of her biggest influencers, Randy Mayer a large-format photography teacher she bumped into at a camera store who became an influence in her technical photographic life and pushed her into doing a solo exhibit. 


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https://soundtrapstudios.com/Sound_trap_studios/Home.html (Robbie Cribbs)

E49 Enlargers and Stuff

We start off the show with a discussion on how to make an enlarger from photographic stuff most photographers have around the house. 

Then, there’s a talk about a pinhole project Graham is putting together which Nick insists should be called the Kraken 612 Triclops Predator. We also talk about Nicole Small (https://www.instagram.com/nicolesmall_oneonone/) ahead of the next episode when she will be our guest for the whole show. 

Chris Peregoy’s Pinhole Blender site is mentioned (http://www.pinholeblender.com/) along with the Mr. Pinhole pinhole calculator site (https://www.mrpinhole.com/calcpinh.php)

Also talked about is JOE VAN CLEAVE’s Advent Camera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg3utTjG2ZE&t=477s

Nick tries to steal Graham’s Canomorpic name for his own project, (though he does write it Can-O-Morphic so it may get past the Trademark police), a whole-roll 360 degree camera.

We talk about Perry Ge’s work adapting various lenses to his Pentax 6X7 and a special pimp-out accessory for his X-Pan.

Lastly, one of the ugliest cars ever, the Local Motors Rally Fighter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rally_Fighter makes a cameo.

Thanks Robbie! http://soundtrapstudios.com/Sound_trap_studios/Home.html