Episode 00, The Homemade Camera Podcast Manifesto

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In the first episode of The Homemade Camera Podcast, Nick and Graham talk about what it means to modify or build a camera and what kinds of modifications and builds they like to tackle.

Graham mentions a photo by Lance that uses 35mm film in a 4X5 camera that is quite interesting.

Nick talks about his Mercury modular camera and the goal of creating a universal system where almost any lens can be mated to almost any film format.


And so we begin.

Nick and Graham have started a podcast. We will be talking about building our own cameras, modifying existing cameras and photography in general. Episode 1 will be recorded and uploaded shortly.

In addition, we will provide you with resources for building your own cameras, modifying them a lot or a little, and for photography in general.

If you would like to get in touch with us you can through our email addresses: Nick@HomemadeCamera.com and Graham@HomemadeCamera.com.